homepageCustomer Self Service white paper

Best Practices für den Customer Self Service

Wie Amazon, Apple und Co. beim Customer Self Service erfolgreicher sind als alle anderen.

Deine Produkte werden immer komplexer und die Anforderungen deiner Kunden an den Kundenservice immer höher. Gleichzeitig wächst dein Budget im Customer Service nicht schnell genug mit und der Fachkräftemangel macht es für dich unmöglich weiter über Supportpersonal zu skalieren.

Deshalb gehen wir in diesem Whitepaper auf die akuten Probleme im Customer Service ein und zeigen dir, wie Amazon, Apple und Co. mit geringem Budget und einfachen Tricks das Thema Self Service angehen.

The key takeaway from the white paper

Many companies are still investing the majority of their budget in optimizing phone support. However, we have discovered that every big player without exception is now adding self-service functions to specifically prevent telephone contacts from coming in in the first place.

We took a closer look at this approach with analyses and identified best practices that can be applied to every company. Even if the budget is not as big as Amazon or Apple.

The white paper answers these questions for you

  • Why your customers' order history is so important for getting started with customer service.

  • How to drastically reduce your telephone contacts with a guided problem analysis.

  • How to easily set yourself apart from the competition's customer service when it comes to user experience.

  • Where is the best place to start and what your first goals should be when expanding your customer self-service.

Authors of this analysis

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