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Asset Management


Asset management is the systematic management and monitoring of a company's physical and financial assets to maximize their value and efficiency.


The term asset management has its origins in the financial sector, where it refers to the management of investments and asset portfolios. In industry, however, it also includes managing physical assets such as machines, buildings, and infrastructure to optimize their life cycle and reduce operating expenses.

Areas of application

Asset management is used in numerous areas, including manufacturing, utilities, transportation and logistics, and IT. It includes activities such as maintenance, repair, renewal and sale of assets to maximize their benefits and minimize risks.


The main benefits of asset management include increasing efficiency and productivity through optimized use of equipment, reducing downtime and maintenance costs, and improving return on investment. It also supports compliance with regulatory and safety standards.


Asset management challenges include collecting and analyzing large amounts of data, integrating systems and processes, and training employees to use new technologies and processes. Solutions include the implementation of advanced IT systems and continuous staff training.


A specific example of the use of asset management in an industrial company is the implementation of a self-service portal for maintaining and monitoring machines. This enables employees to efficiently manage maintenance requirements and plans and minimize downtime.


Asset management is crucial for managing and optimizing assets in industrial companies. It offers numerous benefits, such as increasing efficiency and reducing costs, but also requires overcoming challenges through the use of modern technologies and training.