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Computerized maintenance management system


A computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) is a software solution that helps companies manage, plan and carry out maintenance work.


CMMS was created in the 1960s to meet growing maintenance and repair requirements in industry. With the introduction of computers and later digitization, these systems became more and more powerful and today offer a comprehensive solution for managing systems and maintenance processes.

Areas of application

CMMS is used in many industries, including manufacturing, energy, healthcare, transportation, and facility management. It helps create maintenance plans, track maintenance activities, manage inventory, and generate reports.


The main benefits of a CMMS are:

  • Improved efficiency: Automate maintenance tasks and reduce downtime.
  • Cost reduction: Optimizing the use of resources and avoiding unplanned downtime.
  • Better traceability: Documentation of all maintenance activities and easy access to historical data.
  • Increased lifetime of systems: Regular and planned maintenance extends the life of machines and systems.


Potential challenges when implementing a CMMS include:

  • High initial investment: Implementation and training costs can be high.
  • Data migration: Transferring existing data to the new system can be time-consuming.
  • Acceptance by employees: Successful implementation requires personnel to accept and use the system. This can be supported by comprehensive training and clear benefits for users.


A manufacturer of industrial equipment uses a CMMS to plan and document maintenance work on its machines. By implementing a self-service portal, employees can quickly and easily report maintenance requests, resulting in more efficient processing and less downtime.


A computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) is a valuable tool for managing and optimizing maintenance processes in various industries. It offers numerous benefits, including increasing efficiency and reducing costs, but can also present implementation challenges. However, with careful planning and training, a CMMS can significantly improve plant availability and lifetime.