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Customer Feedback Management


Customer Feedback Management (CFM) refers to the systematic process of collecting, analyzing, and managing feedback, opinions, and reviews from customers.


Customer feedback is a valuable source for companies to continuously improve their products, services, and processes. The development of CFM systems has accelerated with the advent of digital technologies and platforms that allow feedback to be collected and analyzed in real time.

Areas of application

CFM is used in various areas, including product development, customer service, marketing, and sales. Companies use CFM systems to collect customer feedback, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions. In a B2B dealer portal, for example, CFM can be used to monitor the satisfaction of business partners and to better understand their needs.


The key benefits of customer feedback management include:

  • Improved customer satisfaction: By responding specifically to customer feedback, companies can tailor their services and products to the needs of customers.
  • Increased customer loyalty: Satisfied customers are more loyal and less likely to switch to the competition.
  • Valuable insights: Feedback provides valuable insights into customer perceptions and expectations.
  • Innovation funding: By identifying potential for improvement and new ideas from feedback, companies can act more innovatively.


Customer feedback management challenges include:

  • data volume: Managing large amounts of feedback data can be resource-intensive.
  • data quality: Ensuring that the feedback collected is meaningful and representative.
  • Response rate: Responding quickly to feedback requires efficient processes and resources.
  • integration: Integrating feedback data into existing systems and processes can be complex.

Solutions include the use of modern analysis tools and automated systems for data evaluation as well as training for employees to manage feedback efficiently and effectively.


A specific example of using Customer Feedback Management is the implementation of a self-service portal that enables customers to provide feedback quickly and easily and track the status of their feedback. Another example is a B2B retailer portal, where business partners can provide regular feedback on products and services in order to continuously improve their quality and relevance.


Customer feedback management is a central process for companies to systematically collect and use customer feedback. By applying modern technologies and processes, companies can improve their products and services, increase customer satisfaction, and gain valuable insights.