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Data strategy


A data strategy is a comprehensive plan that describes how an organization will manage, analyze, and use its data to improve business results.


The development of a data strategy has its roots in the need to effectively manage and use large amounts of data. With the advent of big data and advanced analytics tools, it became imperative for companies to create structured plans for data usage. A well-defined data strategy helps treat data as a valuable resource that has the potential to create competitive advantages.

Areas of application

Data strategies are used in various areas, including marketing, product development, customer service, and supply chain management. They are particularly useful in optimizing business processes and identifying new business opportunities. Industrial companies use data strategies to monitor production processes, increase efficiency, and improve customer satisfaction.


Key benefits of a data strategy include:

  • Better decision-making through data-driven insights
  • More efficient business processes through automation and optimization
  • Increased transparency and traceability across the organization
  • Improving customer experience through personalized offers and services


Implementing a data strategy can present various challenges, including:

  • Data silos and lack of integration between different systems
  • Data protection and regulatory compliance
  • The need for qualified personnel and training
  • Technological complexity and costs for infrastructure solutions include the introduction of a centralized data management system, continuous employee training, and collaboration with external experts.


A specific example of the application of a data strategy is the implementation of a self-service portal in an industrial company. By using data analysis tools, companies can better understand their customers and offer them personalized services and products. Another example is optimizing the supply chain through real-time analytics and predictive models, which help to avoid bottlenecks and increase efficiency.


A data strategy is critical for companies that want to use their data effectively to gain competitive advantage. It offers numerous benefits, including improved decision-making and more efficient processes, but also presents challenges that can be overcome through targeted measures.