

At BUSINESS UNICORNS, we rarely use the term employee. Mostly in official documents. Our team spirit is so strong that we intuitively speak of unicorns and unicorns “our flock.” We are companions and fellow travelers. But certainly not employees, employees, or resources. The input of every single unicorn is welcome and every opinion is taken seriously.

As a unicorn herd, we stand behind our vision and live it. We all strive to achieve the goals we have set. As experts in our fields of activity, we also like to think outside the box.

We enjoy working as a team, are proud to be part of the herd and want to constantly contribute our skills to build the next big thing that makes everyday life easier for people.

Unicorns that join our flock have developed a passion for their own profession and are absolutely reliable. At work, they live out their instinct to play and their curiosity. They are also inquisitive, ambitious and find pragmatic solutions to a wide range of problems. Through quick comprehension and adaptability, they ensure that the team is constantly evolving and can grow together.