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Intelligent automation


Intelligent automation (IA) refers to the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation technologies to optimize and automate complex business processes. This includes rules-based automation as well as machine learning and data analytics to create more adaptive and intelligent systems.


The development of intelligent automation is a response to the increasing complexity and speed of modern business processes. By combining AI and traditional automation techniques, companies can not only automate repeatable tasks, but also carry out decision-making processes and analyses in real time. The roots of this technology lie in industrial automation and the recent development of advanced AI methods.

Areas of application

Intelligent automation is used in many areas, including:

  • Manufacturing industry: automation of production lines and quality assurance
  • Financial Services: Automating Accounting Processes and Fraud Detection
  • Customer service: Using chatbots and self-service portals to improve customer experience
  • Logistics: Supply chain optimization and inventory management
  • Human Resources: Automating Recruitment Processes and Employee Management


The key benefits of Intelligent Automation include:

  • Increased efficiency: perform tasks faster and more precisely
  • Cost savings: Reduction of manual labor costs and errors
  • Improved decision-making: real-time analytics and data-driven decisions
  • Increased scalability: Automated systems can be easily expanded to meet increasing requirements


Despite the many benefits, there are also challenges associated with implementing Intelligent Automation:

  • Complexity of integration: Integrating IA into existing systems can be technically demanding
  • Privacy and security: Ensuring data security and compliance with privacy policies
  • Employee acceptance: overcoming resistance and training employees to use new technologies
  • Costs: Initial investments in technology and infrastructure can be high


One example of the application of intelligent automation in industry is the use of B2B dealer portals, which offer automated ordering and delivery processes. These portals use IA to process orders in real time, manage inventory, and optimize delivery times, resulting in a significant increase in efficiency and customer satisfaction.


Intelligent automation combines artificial intelligence and automation to make business processes more efficient and effective. Despite some challenges, IA offers significant benefits such as cost savings, improved decision-making, and increased scalability. The technology is widely used in various industries and is revolutionizing traditional work processes.