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Lifecycle management


Lifecycle management describes the process of managing a product from creation to development and market launch to market readiness and finally disposal.


The concept of lifecycle management was born out of the need to efficiently manage the entire life cycle of a product. It covers all phases, from initial idea through development, production, market launch, use and maintenance to disposal. The goal is to optimize the entire life cycle of a product, reduce costs and at the same time maximize quality and customer satisfaction.

Areas of application

Lifecycle management is used in various areas of industry, in particular in the manufacturing industry, the automotive industry, the IT industry and the pharmaceutical industry. It is used to speed up product development, reduce production costs, and ensure regulatory compliance.


Lifecycle management offers numerous benefits:

  • Cost reduction: Costs can be reduced by optimizing processes over the entire life cycle of a product.
  • Quality improvement: Product quality can be improved through continuous monitoring and adjustment of processes.
  • Shorter time to market: A more efficient development and production phase leads to faster market launches.
  • sustainability: By taking the entire life cycle into account, more environmentally friendly and sustainable products can be developed.


Lifecycle management also presents several challenges:

  • complexity: Managing the entire life cycle of a product is complex and requires close collaboration between different departments.
  • data management: The amount of data generated during the life cycle of a product must be managed effectively.
  • adaptability: Companies must be able to adapt their processes quickly in order to be able to react to changes in the market or legal requirements.


A specific example of the application of lifecycle management is the automotive industry. Here, the entire life cycle of a vehicle is monitored and optimized, from the concept phase through production to disposal. Another example is a B2B retailer portal, which is used to manage the life cycle of products by integrating sales, customer service, and maintenance.


Lifecycle management is an essential concept for efficiently managing and optimizing the entire life cycle of a product. It offers numerous benefits such as cost reduction, quality improvement and sustainability, but also brings challenges such as complexity and data management.