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Service level agreement


A service level agreement (SLA) is a contractual agreement between a service provider and a customer that defines expectations and responsibilities regarding the services provided.


SLAs arose from the need to set clear and measurable criteria for service provision in order to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts. They became particularly popular with the advent of IT services and outsourcing, where accurate performance metrics and availability requirements are critical.

Areas of application

Service level agreements are used in many areas, including IT services, telecommunications, cloud computing, facility management, and all types of outsourcing agreements. They ensure that the service provider complies with the agreed quality standards and offer customers transparency and security.


  • Clarity and transparency: SLAs clearly define the expectations of both parties.
  • Measurable performance: They define specific metrics on the basis of which the service is evaluated.
  • Legally binding: SLAs are often legally binding and offer protection in the event of non-compliance.
  • Improved relationships: They promote better communication and collaboration between service provider and customer.


  • Complexity: Creating and managing SLAs can be complex and time-consuming.
  • Flexibility: An SLA must be flexible enough to adapt to changing requirements.
  • monitoring: Continuous monitoring of SLA compliance requires appropriate tools and resources.


A B2B merchant portal could conclude an SLA with its IT service providers to ensure that the platform has 99.9% availability and that downtime is resolved quickly. Similarly, a self-service portal for customers could include an SLA that guarantees fast response times and a specific quality of support.


Service level agreements are essential to define clear and measurable expectations between service providers and customers. They contribute to improving service quality and creating a trusting business relationship by ensuring transparency and reliability.