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Responsive design


Responsive design is an approach in web development in which websites are designed in such a way that they are optimally displayed on devices with different screen sizes and resolutions. It uses flexible layouts, images, and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to automatically adapt the look of a page to the user's device.


The idea of responsive design was born in response to the rapid increase in different types of devices, from desktop computers to tablets to smartphones. Ethan Marcotte coined the term in 2010 and thus changed the direction in which digital content is made available on various platforms.

Areas of application

Responsive design is important in almost all areas of companies' digital presence, including corporate websites, online shops, B2B retailer portals, and self-service portals. It is essential for providing a consistent user experience (UX) across all types of devices.


The main benefits of responsive design lie in the improved user experience, as users have easy access to web content from any device. This promotes customer satisfaction and can lead to an increased conversion rate. It also supports search engine optimization (SEO), as search engines like Google prefer mobile-friendly websites.


One challenge with responsive design is ensuring load time and performance across all types of devices. It can be difficult to incorporate sophisticated visual elements without sacrificing performance. One solution can be designing for mobile devices first (mobile-first approach) and gradually expanding the functions for larger screens.


A specific example is a B2B retailer portal which enables customers of an industrial company to place orders across various devices. The responsive design of the platform ensures that users experience an optimized view of the product catalogs and ordering systems regardless of the device used.


Responsive design is an essential approach in modern web development that ensures the accessibility, usability, and efficiency of digital content across various devices. Implementing responsive design leads to improved customer satisfaction and also supports SEO efforts.