


A server is a computer or software system that provides services, resources, or data to other computers called clients.


The term “server” is derived from the English word “to serve,” which means “to serve.” Servers are central components in networks and enable access to shared resources such as files, printers, or databases. The development of servers began in the early days of the Internet, when the need arose to share and manage information efficiently. Over time, servers have evolved into powerful systems that are able to process large amounts of data and host complex applications.

Areas of application

Servers are used in almost all areas of information technology. They are used in companies to manage databases, operate email services, manage websites, and provide cloud services. Servers also play an important role in production and logistics by processing real-time data and supporting the automation of processes.


Using servers offers numerous benefits, including centralized management of data and applications, increased security through centralized security mechanisms, and the ability to scale to meet increasing demands. Servers enable companies to work more efficiently and flexibly adapt their IT infrastructure to changing business requirements.


Managing and maintaining servers can be complex and costly. Companies must ensure that their servers are always available and protected from cyber attacks. One solution to these challenges is to use managed services, in which external service providers take over the maintenance and security of the servers. Cloud-based solutions can also reduce the need for extensive local hardware.


A specific example of the use of servers is an e-commerce company that hosts its website and database on a server. This makes it possible to process customer orders in real time and store data securely. Another example is a manufacturing company that uses servers to monitor and control its production facilities to ensure smooth and efficient production.


Servers are essential components of modern IT infrastructures that enable centralized administration and provision of services and data. They offer numerous benefits, such as increased security and scalability, but also pose management and security challenges. With managed services and cloud solutions, companies can successfully overcome these challenges.