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Usability testing


Usability testing is the process of evaluating a product or service through its use in practice. Test subjects are observed how they use the product in real or simulated usage scenarios to determine its usability.


This process has its roots in software development and product design, but has been extended over time to a wide range of industries. It is assuming that real user feedback is critical to developing a user-friendly product.

Areas of application

Usability testing is used in numerous industries, including information technology, consumer goods, medical technology and e-commerce. In industrial companies, it is particularly relevant in the development of B2B dealer portals and self-service portals, where intuitive user guidance is critical for success.


The main advantage of usability testing is the early identification of problems in user interaction, which results in products that are better tailored to the needs and expectations of end users. This can increase customer satisfaction and reduce support costs.


One challenge in usability testing is the selection of representative test users who reflect the actual target group of the product. It can also be difficult to create a test environment that accurately replicates real conditions without falsifying the test results.


A specific example is carrying out usability tests for a B2B retailer portal in the automotive industry. Scenarios could be tested in which buyers order vehicle parts via the portal to evaluate the simplicity of ordering processes and the clarity of product information.


Usability testing is a crucial process for ensuring the usability of products. Through realistic test conditions and real user feedback, valuable insights can be gained that contribute to product improvement.