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Serverless Architecture


Serverless Architecture, also known as serverless computing, is a cloud computing model that doesn't require users to worry about managing servers. Instead, resources are dynamically allocated and scaled based on the execution of functions or services, with the user only paying for the actual time of use of the resources.


The concept of serverless was created as a response to the complexity of managing and scaling server infrastructures. It aims to make it easy for developers to write and deploy code without having to worry about the underlying hardware. The first serverless services were introduced in the early 2010s.

Areas of application

Serverless architecture is often used in developing modern applications, particularly for microservices, event-driven applications, and automating backend processes. It is particularly beneficial for projects with unpredictable traffic or variable peak loads.


The key benefits of Serverless Architecture include lower operating expenses as there is no need to pay for always-running servers, the flexibility to respond quickly to market changes, and the reduction of time to bring new applications to market.


Challenges include the cold start problem, where the initialization of functions can cause delays, as well as execution time and resource usage limits set by cloud providers. Careful planning and optimization of the code is required to address these limitations.


An industrial company could use serverless architecture to operate a Self-service portal for its customers. The portal could be automatically scaled to function efficiently during peak hours without the need for constant server monitoring.


The Serverless Architecture provides an efficient and scalable solution for hosting and running applications without the need to manage the underlying server infrastructure.