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Structured Data


Structured data is information that is organized and formatted in a fixed way so that it can be easily read, understood, and processed by computer systems. They are typically arranged in tabular form, with each row representing a data set and each column a specific attribute or field. This type of data organization facilitates efficient queries and analyses.


The conceptualization of structured data dates back to the early days of data processing, when the need arose to systematically organize large amounts of information. With the development of databases and query languages such as SQL (Structured Query Language), the handling of structured data was further standardized and automated.

Areas of application

Structured data is widely used in almost all areas of data processing and analysis. This includes customer management systems, financial accounting, inventory management, and CRM systems (customer relationship management). In industry, structured data is used to optimize production processes, monitor the supply chain and analyze customer behavior.


The main advantage of structured data lies in its clarity and the ease with which it can be processed. They enable fast and accurate queries, efficient data storage, and the automation of reporting. They also make it easier to integrate various systems and platforms.


The biggest challenge when dealing with structured data is creating and maintaining it. The data must be accurately collected, regularly updated and kept consistent. Furthermore, designing efficient database schemes and managing large amounts of data requires specialized knowledge and resources.


An industrial company could use structured data to create a Self-service portal to implement for customers, which enables quick and easy ordering of spare parts. By using a digital spare parts catalog, which contains structured data about available parts, allows customers to efficiently identify and order the parts they need.


Structured data plays a central role in modern data processing by enabling a systematic and efficient organization of information. Its clear structure supports a wide range of applications and helps to optimize business processes.