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Data sovereignty


Data sovereignty refers to control and ownership of data. It describes the ability of an organization or an individual to determine the use, access, and management of data.


The term data sovereignty is becoming increasingly important in the digital era, as data is regarded as a valuable resource. With the increasing amount of data generated and the increasing relevance of data protection and security, control over this data has become essential. The term “data sovereignty” is particularly relevant in discussions about data law and ethics.

Areas of application

Data sovereignty is important in many areas, including data protection, IT security, data management and data analysis. Companies use data sovereignty to ensure that their sensitive information is protected and only authorized persons have access.


The main benefits of data sovereignty include ensuring data protection, improving data quality, increasing data security, and regulatory compliance. By taking control of their data, companies can make better business decisions and gain competitive advantages.


Data sovereignty challenges include the complexity of data management, compliance with various data protection laws and regulations, and the risk of data loss or theft. Solutions include implementing robust IT security measures, training employees how to handle data, and using data encryption technologies.


A B2B merchant portal could use data sovereignty to ensure that sensitive customer data is only accessible to authorized users and is protected against unauthorized access. A self-service portal could enable customers to manage their own data and control who can access it.


Data sovereignty means control and ownership of data, which is crucial in the modern digital world. It offers numerous benefits, including data protection, data security, and regulatory compliance, but also presents challenges that can be solved through appropriate measures and technologies.