


Prototyping is the process of creating a preliminary version of a product to test and optimize its design, functionality, and user experience before the final product is developed. In the context of software development and design, prototypes are used to quickly implement ideas and concepts and collect feedback from users or stakeholders.


The origin of prototyping lies in engineering and product development, where physical models were created to test design assumptions. With the advent of digital technologies, prototyping has established itself as an essential tool in many areas, including software and web development. It enables iterative development, in which an optimally designed end product is achieved through continuous feedback and adjustments.

Areas of application

Prototyping is used in the development of websites, applications, systems and in the implementation of user interfaces (UI). It is also used in the development of B2B dealer portals and Self-service portals, where it helps improve user interactions and experiences before systems are fully implemented.


The advantages of prototyping lie primarily in risk minimization and cost efficiency. By testing concepts at an early stage, incorrect developments can be avoided, and product quality can be improved. Prototypes also promote communication and understanding between developers, designers, and stakeholders by providing a concrete basis for discussion.


One challenge with prototyping is managing the expectations of stakeholders, who could potentially misunderstand a finished prototype as a final product. It also requires a balance between a sufficient level of detail and the need to iterate quickly without investing too much time and resources in early versions.


One example of prototyping in industry is the development of a digital dashboard for production data in an industrial company. A prototype of this dashboard could be used to test functionality and usability and collect feedback from end users to optimize the design before final implementation.


Prototyping is a critical step in the development of digital products and services that makes it possible to implement ideas quickly and iteratively improve them. This results in better-designed products and more efficient development.